Settlement Calculator

Personal Injury Settlement Calculator

Should I go to Trial?

high desert law’s settlement vs trial calculator allows you to compare the value of the injury settlement you are being offered by the insurance company to what you would have to achieve at trial (jury award) to beat the insurance company’s current settlement offer.

Settlement vs Trial Settlement Calculator

If you have been injured and are working to recover medical expenses and other losses from responsible parties and insurance – you may reach a point when the settlement you are being offered comes back low.

When the settlement offer is low, it is sometimes necessary to take the case to trial to receive fair compensation. Whether or not it is profitable to invest in the added time and expense, will depend on many factors; and an experienced personal injury attorney will be able to give you advice on the best course of action.

Use our settlement calculator to compare your current settlement offer with the amount you would need to obtain at trial to beat the current insurance company’s settlement offer.


This tool can be used to help you determine whether to settle a case versus taking it to trial. It helps you compare the current offer to what you would have to get at trial to beat that offer given increased costs and attorney fee percentage at trial.

Step 1. Total Settlement Offer ($)

What is the total settlement amount (the amount offered or the amount you hope to get in settlement)?

Step 2. Attorney Fees Percentage

Attorney fee percentage if case settles (standard is 33%)

Attorney fee percentage if case goes to trial (standard is 40%)

Step 3. Costs

Current costs to date

Estimated additional costs at trial (costs generally increase significantly at trial and can be anywhere from $7,500 to $25,000)

Step 4. PIP (Personal Injury Protection)

Does PIP (medical paid by your auto insurance) need to be paid back out of settlement? If so, list amount (otherwise leave as $0)

Step 5. Health Insurance

Does health insurance need to be paid back? If so, list amount (otherwise leave as $0)

Step 6. Other Costs

Are there any additional costs to date that need to come out of settlement (mediator fees, other liens, loans)?


Based on the information you provided here is your customized summary:
Amount of Settlement:
Net to client at settlement:

Based on the increased costs and attorney fees at trial:
Verdict required to achieve same amount of settlement:
Net to client at trial:

This means, based on the information provided, you would need to beat the verdict amount at trial to do better than the current amount of settlement listed.

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